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- 2,300+ Individuals / Month
- 800+ Business / Month
- 1,700+ Contacts Receive Digitally / Week
- 5,400 Printed Copies / Year
- Click here to download the latest Advertising Media Kit.
Members in the News
Chamber members have the FREE benefit to submit their news for the "Members in the News" section of The Outlook.
To submit your news, email your press release or brief description to Deadlines are the 10th of the month prior to the publication month (ex: January 10 to be in the February newsletter).

Member Spotlights
Would you like your business featured in The Outlook? Each month, we invite 2-3 businesses to write descriptions about their business to be published in the newsletter as well as other Chamber communication channels. If you would like to be featured, please email Laiton Heckman at or call 717-264-7101 ext. 214. Space is limited.

The Outlook Archive
Annual Report Archive
General Advertising Guidelines
- Advertising opportunities are available for Chamber Members in good standing
- The Chamber will include the following disclaimer on advertisements:
- Content submitted by members of the Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce (GCCC) may contain advertisements and/or links to third party sites. The GCCC does not endorse nor advocate for the advertised product, event, service or company, nor any of the claims made by the content and takes no responsibility for promises made or the quality/reliability of the products/services offered.
- All materials should be positive in nature
- Any implications of negativity or innuendos towards another business, the community or others will not be permitted
- Content is at the Chamber’s discretion and subject to Chamber’s approval
For the Chamber's Advertising Policy, please click here.