Member Spotlight: Rotary Club of Chambersburg
Rotary’s mission is “Service above self.” The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. Of the things we think, say or do: is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotary International was founded in 1905 and Chambersburg’s Club formed in 1920. Over the course of the Club’s 100-year lifespan, it contributed to countless community projects as well as international efforts such as END POLIO NOW and Clean Water projects in third world countries. The Rotary Club of Chambersburg engages in our community with monthly and annual service projects:
- Dr. Seuss reading and Dictionary projects that benefit students across the district;
- Annual meals for the Circles support group;
- Chicken N Stuff, which has supported the Franklin County Therapeutic Riding Center for 57 years. Meals are also provided to first responders and veterans for free courtesy of Brandale LLC;
- The YMCA Sam’s Club Thanksgiving Meal and youth Christmas parties;
- $700,000 in scholarships and grants to students through the Club’s Foundation.
Without the help of our community, none of this would be possible. We thank everyone who has supported our annual fundraisers, including RotaryFest in October. At IceFest 2020, Rotarians handed out 100 cupcakes to kickoff our 100th birthday. The club will also be planting 100 trees throughout our area to celebrate. The Rotary Club of Chambersburg Centennial Celebration Dinner will be May 1 at the New Life Center at Menno Haven. Please join us as we celebrate!
Thank you for your membership! Is your business interested in being spotlighted? Contact Laiton at