The Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce and each affiliate organization work together to address the needs of the community and improve the quality of life in the Chambersburg area. Our affiliates are listed below including two industrial development corporations, a downtown development corporation and a foundation. Initiatives of the Chamber are also highlighted.
Focuses on workforce development, education and citizenship through initiatives and programs, including three county-wide leadership programs.
Chambersburg Area Development Corp.
Focuses on job creation and retention through industrial development at business parks in the Chambersburg area.
Downtown Chambersburg Inc.
Spearheads business development in our downtown, helping to retain existing businesses and attract new ones.
Manages the United Business Park located off Interstate-81 Exit 24 near Shippensburg and is currently recruiting businesses for the park.
An entity formed as a public instrumentality of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, organized and existing under the Industrial and Commercial Development Authority Law, as amended, now known as the Economic Development Financing Law.
The Chamber also coordinates a number of initiatives under the umbrella of the Chamber to enhance the quality of life and promote tourism. These include a young professionals network, center for tourism and Civil War tours.
Connects young professionals in Franklin County to social, civic and professional development opportunities.
Members gain access to new opportunities to get involved in the community including networking at social events, developing professional skills, volunteering and building meaningful relationships.
The Heritage Center is a starting point for the exploration of local history and includes a gift shop. You'll find popular items such as Chambersburg apparel, drink ware, postcards and so much more!
Hosts seminars featuring the nation's top Civil War historians. These seminars attract people from all 50 states and other countries.
In operation since 1989, Civil War conferences are held throughout the U.S. as well as Chambersburg, Pa.